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Vinegar Tom

By Caryl Churchill
date of presentation
March 28 - April 21, 1990
March 1990
Ticket PRice

Director: Martin Millerchip
Musical Director: Angela Gann

Director's Note

I hope I have not angered you by asking you to sit with your own sex. Driving to rehearsal last week I listened in shame to a CBC phone-in-show on International Women's Day. Shame because the federal budget cuts that will see so many womens' centres closed created so much fear. Shame that our province will probably only badges as substitutes. Shame that not one man was heard from during that segment of the show. 100,000 victims were burnt or hung as withces in Germany alone in a 200 year period. In England less than 1,000 were hung in the same period. Not all were women but in England the percentage of single unprotected women victims was disproportionately high. I fear there are too many women and men in our society today who wish only to "sink without drowning". - Martin Millerchip

Physically our play can fill the space between the men and women in our audience, but I do believe we will have achieved something more if you think about why the gap is there at all.

A small rural village in the west of English in the missle of the 17th Centruy.

Joan: Doris Chilcott
Susan: Barbara Cormack
Alice: Bonnie Panych
Goody: Celine Lockhart
Betty: Victoria Davidson
Margery: Angela Gann
Ellen: Helen Graham
Jack: Martin Evans
Packer / Doctor / Man/ Bell Ringer: Christopher Weddell

Stage Manager: Susan Hubbard
Set and Costume Designer: Susan Madsen
Lighting Design: Del Surjik
Production manager: Sandhano Schultze
Photographer: Stephen Micthell
